Mullins Library hours today: 7:30am - 6pm

Resource Sharing hours today: 8am - 5pm

Special Collections hours today: Open by appointment only, 9am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4 pm

Chemistry and Biochemistry Library hours today: 8am - 5pm

Fine Arts Library hours today:

Physics Library hours today: 8am - 5pm

Please check the Young Law Library website for hours.

All library hours




East Elevator Temporarily Unavailable

The east (Vol Walker side) elevator will be unavailable while system updates are performed.
The west (Union side) offers an accessible entrance and elevator. We apologize for the inconvenience.

image of one of the towers of Old Main in front of a red shield. Text reads: University of Arkansas | University Libraries

Libraries to Host Information Sessions for Faculty Seeking Promotion and Tenure

The University of Arkansas Libraries will host three online information sessions designed to help faculty identify peer reviewers, show the impact of their work and find partners for collaboration....Continue Reading Libraries to Host Information Sessions for Faculty Seeking Promotion and Tenure

Libraries to Offer Information Sessions on Identifying Faculty Advisers and Mentors

The University Libraries will offer two opportunities next week for students working on their honors thesis or capstone project to attend a session on identifying advisers and mentors. ...Continue Reading Libraries to Offer Information Sessions on Identifying Faculty Advisers and Mentors

Publish, Promote and Provide Access to Your Work With ScholarWorks@UARK

ScholarWorks@UARK, the institutional repository maintained by the University Libraries, is here to support faculty, students and research centers in sharing their work with the world....Continue Reading Publish, Promote and Provide Access to Your Work With ScholarWorks@UARK

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